Thursday, December 17, 2009
Mead Johnson, Maker of Enfamil, Loses Multi-Million Dollar False Advertising Case Against Store-Bran
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Shelf Life of Makeup
- Powder can last for approximately 2 years.
- Concealer, about 12 months.
- Foundation you may want to check ingredients. A water-based foundation can last up to 12 months, while an oil-based can go as far as 18 months. (I usually keep several shades, at least since I tend to get more tan on summer.) If your water-based foundation dries out and it's not its expiration date yet, just add a few drops of alcohol-free toner and shake to mix it in.
- Pencil eye liner can last up to 3 years, just sharpen it regularly.
- Eyeshadow will also last up to 3 years. And as I've mentioned before dark eyeshadows can double as eyeliner, in fact, most makeup artists use them as eyeliner. You will need a super-flat eyeliner brush for this, get it a little damp and dab in dark eyeshadow, wiggle it into your lash line focusing on the space between your lashes, then sweep the color just above your lash line.
- Cream and gel cleansers don't last beyond a year.
- Brushes just make sure you wash them at least every 2 months with a mild detergent.
- Sponges I usually wash weekly and replace monthly.
- Lip liner can go for about 3 years. I rarely get the push-up lip liners, they're just expensive, tend to break and I don't really get to know how much is still inside 'til it's no more! With that said, I'd rather invest my cash on other stuff like foundation.
- Lipstick last longer ranging from 2 to 4 years maximum. What I consider as a tell tale signs (which most agrees) is its smell. If it give you an awful rancid smell, then you know it's time to throw them out. I store most of my lipstick in the fridge and they are more likely to last longer.
- Mascara has the highest turnover rate for they usually don't last beyond 4 months. Well for the ones left unopened, they may last for a year or so, but once opened, you can only keep them for 3-4 months or as soon as they clump which sometimes are too soon for some brands and specially when you keep putting out the wand as it dries too quickly. Also I usually tend to replace my mascara after 3-4 months regardless if they clump or not because sometimes they are good host for bacteria which might cause your eye to itch and get irritated.
- Nail Polish they say can last up to 12 months, depending on the quality and how the number of times you take them on a plane (for whatever reason the cap always unscrews on me during flights, leaving my purse a -- fume-y -- mess! LOL) But just like the mascara, the more you expose the wands in the air the faster it dries and clumps.
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Joy of Yogurt
But then did you know that yogurt is a beauty food?! Ha, I'm not trying to establish logic with what I'm eating...seriously, it is!
Below are 5 reasons why you should consider stocking yogurt in your shopping cart next time next time you do your grocery shopping!
1. A cup of yogurt will help clear up blemishes. Yes, it's true! It contain zinc making that possible. I usually look for varieties that has less fat and sugar. And yup, they do exist and the different taste it offers adds to the joy it brings!
2. For menopausal women and even women in general, it has more calcium than milk, which is good news for those who don't care for the taste.
3. Yogurt is often used as a facial mask. And well I would go for the plain one and not flavored varieties, for obvious reasons. LOL Plain yogurt cleanse the skin quite nicely. Just make sure your face is free of makeup when you do this, yogurt is good... but it's goodness is not universal!
4. Yogurt can also be used to soothe an itchy scalp. And while it is soothing the scalp, it is also working on your dandruff. Just apply it on scalp, wrap hair in a towel and then rinse after 15 minutes. Trust me, scalp feels good after.
5. Hands and nails can also benefit from yogurt. How? Simply combine 8 ounces of plain yogurt with lemon juice (one piece will do). Refrigerate it for several hours and then use it massage your hands and nails. Rinse and pat your hands dry and feel the difference. (Keep mixture refrigerated and I normally keep them within 2 weeks only.)
Will you still look at yogurt the same way again?! I don't!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Your Blood Type and Eating Right
As I have mentioned at Mariposa's Tales, I had a magazine interview at the office yesterday. It was not a personal interview but rather it was about my company...and so I was there with the team despite the holiday.
It was a fun interview or should I say...a rather fun conversation! I'd say we learned so many things and got to cover several topics...beyond the BPO and call center industry.
We talked about health and wellness!
JM Perdigon, TWANG Magazine's Managing Editor (who started TWANG as a hobby magazine targeting the call center crowd!) is a nutritionist by profession. So during lunch we can't help but discuss about food and proper diet. The daughter, AJ (very smart I should say!) can't have too much sugar intake due to health reasons and while we were in the topic of what's good not good for people inclined with diabetes we were all in agreement with bitter melon or bitter gourd (locally known as Ampalaya) helps in lowering sugar. It was then I have to mention one of my cravings for bitter taste! Yes, you read that, I love beer and bitter melon or bitter gourd shake or juice because I love its bitter taste!
I had to ask the nutritionist in the group what could be causing that...could it be that I'm missing some nutrients in my body?
Her first reply was, "What is your blood type?". I had to ask what it has to do with it. Then she went on and explain that there is such a thing as blood type diet. Individuals are inclined to prefer types of food based on their diet...not only they prefer but depending on the blood type each has a recommended diet.
I never thought there is such a thing as eating right according to one's blood type!
So today I did a quick research on the topic and wow...there is really such a thing as blood type diet. Very briefly this advocacy was started by Peter D'Adamo, a naturopathic physician, and was outlined in his book Eat Right 4 Your Type. D'Adamo's claim is that ABO blood type is the most important factor in determining a healthy diet, and he promotes distinct diets for people with O, A, B, and AB blood types.
Though this concept has faced several criticisms...I'd say it will not do any harm to know more and understand about it.
Let me share with you here some information with regards to some blood groups and its corresponding diet --
Simpler List | |||||
Diet Profile | Allowed | Limited | Food to avoid for Weight Loss purpose | Food that help with Weight Loss | |
Type O | High Protein: Meat eaters | Meat fish vegetables fruit | grains beans legumes | wheat corn kidney beans navy beans lentils cabbage Brussels sprouts cauliflower mustard greens | kelp seafood salt liver red meat kale spinach broccoli |
Type A | Vegetarian | vegetables tofu seafood grains beans legumes fruit | meat dairy kidney beans lima beans wheat | vegetable oil soy foods vegetables pineapple | |
Type B | Balanced omnivore | meat (no chicken) dairy grains beans legumes vegetables fruit | corn lentil peanuts sesame seeds buckwheat wheat | greens eggs venison liver licorice tea | |
Type AB | Mixed diet in moderation | meat seafood dairy tofu beans legumes grains vegetables fruits | red meat kidney beans lima beans seeds corn buckwheat | tofu seafood dairy greens kelp pineapple |
You may click on each blood group to get to a more detailed food chart.
Is Cosmetic Surgery Right For You?
There are a lot of reasons why cosmetic surgery is performed on an individual. Determining if cosmetic surgery is right for you can be difficult. The last thing you should ever do is let someone else decide if cosmetic surgery is right for you.
Frequently, we speculate that individuals that get cosmetic surgery are doing it for the wrong reason. Either they are trying to impress someone else, or they are trying to be someone they are not. Maybe the person just has low self esteem. This may be the case in some circumstances and in those cases, surgery might not be advised. However, there are also plenty of reasons why cosmetic surgery is beneficial. So the answer, regarding the question whether or not cosmetic surgery is right for you, is sometimes yes and sometimes no.
For instance, overweight individuals have different reasons for being overweight. Some have eating disorders. Others simply don’t eat healthy. In some cases, individuals eat healthy and exercise but for some reason just can’t stay fit. Maybe they have low metabolism. Perhaps they have a nutrition deficiency or digestive system complications. For these reasons, it is difficult to determine when cosmetic surgery to reduce weight is a smart decision. One thing to note is that cosmetic liposuction should not be used in place of a healthy diet and regular exercise. You may want to read more about cosmetic liposuction at Chicago Liposuction.
In another instance, you should not just have breast augmentation done because your boyfriend wants you to have larger breasts. It is your body and you are the one that has to be comfortable with it. If you are already comfortable with your breast size, then it is recommended that you do not simply get surgery done to please someone else. If you are personally unhappy with your breast size, then the case might be different. You might have more confidence in yourself if you are happier with your attributes. Therefore, breast augmentation might help you become more comfortable with your body and more confident when taking on whatever future endeavors you decide to participate in.
In the opposite circumstance, women with very large breasts may develop back problems even if they try using the proper support. In a lot of cases, it makes sense to have a breast reduction in order to avoid serious back problems down the road. In an even more serious circumstance, having breast augmentation can be extremely beneficial if an individual finds out they have developed an isolated instance of breast cancer. Although removing your breasts is a very tough decision to make versus a treatment, breast augmentation that removes the breasts completely and replaces them with implants can sometimes eliminate the existence of cancer in the breasts completely. In the end, the individual may be cancer free while gaining the increased peace of mind that they are much less likely to develop another instance of breast cancer. For more information regarding cosmetic breast augmentation, you may want to discuss this site which offer information about breast augmentation -- Chicago Breast Augmentation
Generally speaking, there are plenty of reasons why cosmetic surgery is beneficial. It really depends on each individual circumstance. If you think cosmetic surgery might be right for you, take your time to look at all of the facts first. Make sure you understand the reasons why you are considering it. Consulting with a professional will ultimately help you make the right decision. Experienced, credible cosmetic surgeons will help you decide if cosmetic surgery is necessary or a good decision. You can set up a consultation with a credible cosmetic surgeon. Just remember, ultimately it is your decision. Don’t let a significant other, friends or family convince you to do anything that you don’t want to do for yourself. Ultimately it is your body and you are one that has to live with it. Individual differences in skin complexion, facial structure, and other body attributes are what give us our character. However, there are plenty of reasons why cosmetic changes are not only necessary in terms of health, but also beneficial in the pursuit of happiness. Understanding that will ultimately help you make your decision.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Homemade White Teeth Recipes
We all want shiny white teeth right?! But then it's not that easy to have specially for people who smokes and for coffee drinkers like me.
For most people shiny white teeth means good health and good hygiene. Something we all want to. So comes the question, just how do we get white teeth?
Generally people have this done by their dentists. This process can take time and can be costly. Some would also opt to buy other teeth whitening products...but as costly as they can be, they don't guarantee quick results.
This week I'm going to share some helpful tips in getting that shiny white teeth.
Firs and foremost, let's discuss first the causes for teeth discoloration. While out teeth are not really colored white, some factors contribute in making its color dull and too yellowish than normal such as --
- Drinking too much of tea or coffee (This is something I'm guilty of!)
- Drinking of red wine
- Intake of foods having residual pigments
- Chewing of beetles leaves and tobacco (Not so common nowadays.)
- Too much smoking is another cause for discolored teeth
- Some of the medicines also cause stains on the teeth (This we may not have a choice.)
So if of those things are inevitable we are best with just one follow some regimen that will combat those and will help manage discoloration of our teeth. One important thing is to make sure you brush your teeth or rinse them well after food intake...or even liquid specially if they have caffeine on it.
And though I've said it here, allow me to say it again --I encourage you to get to know about Oil Pulling. This ancient Ayurvedic technique is actually a good alternative for oral care.
And then you may try any of the following --
- Rub table salt on your teeth and rinse it off with water after a few minutes.
- Make powder of dry orange rinds and massage your teeth with it.
- To replenish the mineral content of the teeth and hence getting back the whiteness, you can use sodium bicarbonate as a tooth powder.
- Prepare a mixture of ½ tsp of baking soda, ½ tsp of vinegar and a pinch of table salt. This recipe when done will look like a paste. Apply this on your teeth and wash after a few minutes. It will make your teeth bacteria free and stain free and is a very effective homemade teeth-whitening recipe.
- Another wonderful homemade teeth whitening recipe is to prepare a mixture of ½ tsp of baking soda and 1-2 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Apply this mixture on your teeth not more than twice a week as this is bleaching your teeth which you can only do so much for sometime. Though you may feel some irritation on your gum it won’t harm your teeth and gum.
- Sprinkle baking powder on the half cut lemon. Then apply it gently over the upper and lower teeth for one minute each. After that brush your teeth with toothpaste. Do not use this recipe for more than once a week.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Office Makeup Tips
Makeup plays an important role in creating professional look for to corporate dressing of course!
Today I will share quick makeup tips which I find handy for years now. Though I am a lover of makeup, you will rarely see me "painting my face" with too much color. I believe that makeups are there to enhance and bring out our asset and never to make us look like a different person altogether. Wearing makeup at work can help us look a way that we look neat, well groomed, and confident. Thus wearing makeup at work should done within the framework of certain criteria, making sure we do not overdo it. We should be able to strike a good balance to create a good image.
Here are few steps I take everyday before going to work!
I moisturize! Though it's given that I always apply body lotion...what I want to emphasis here right now is facial moisturizer. After bath I always apply moisturizer all over my neck and nape...these are with sunscreen protection too! (For those who tends to have oily spots like the T-Zone area, you may want to blot with tissue papers those areas after application.)
Next is get a natural-looking base. I usually get a contemporary foundation-and- powder-in-one mixes. This gives me 2 great results, a nice finish and it allows an easy quick retouch anytime.
Now for my eye shadows I always try to match with the colors of my clothes...and most of the time I tone them down rather than playing them up. I always find eye pencil very convenient and long lasting. I also make sure I use a waterproof/ smudge-proof mascara. I am always meticulous when I shop for mascara...they have to define lashes without clogging them up. (As the eyes is the window of the soul so they say, I will write more about eye makeup tips this week!)
I put blush on occasionally and when I do, I make sure they are kept at the minimum. This is something I think one can skip...
Finally...lipstick. I'd say everything can be sum up with your lips. This defines our character...our boldness and level of confidence. Lipsticks are mostly "effective" when they are in strong, matter hues and so are more assertive with shades like burgundies, deep or true reds, rust browns and shades within this family of colors. I try to avoid paler shades at work, more so when they are glossy or frosted. (I think they're only best when I go for a walk or go shopping with the IT Guy on a lazy weekend! LOL) more thing! Your nails! Make sure they are neat...manicured or at least polished. A transparent top coat is already enough to give your hands that important cared-for look. Remember we extend ourselves when we shake hands...and raise that glass for a toss!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Vegetable Recipe
For two weeks I was joining What's Cooking Wednesday and due to the busyness of schedule it got stopped and now...well I'm on it again. Though it will be the first time to do it here as I used to share this entry at my Mariposa's Tales site. The reason for doing it here is that for the most part here I've been putting emphasis on vegetable meal and I feel it is just but right to feature a vegetable recipe here.
So this post is a (not) WORDful (less) Wednesday and What's Cooking Wednesday in one!
This nutritious and yummy dish is called Pinakbet which is just a vegetable stew with shrimp paste. This is a popular filipino viand and is a favorite of mine.

So let me share to you in a very simple easy to prepare recipe!
1/4 kilo pork with fat, cut into small pieces
2 Ampalaya (bitter gourd) sliced to bite size pieces
2 eggplants, sliced to bite size pieces
5 pieces of okra, cut in two
1 head garlic, minced
2 onions, diced
5 tomatoes, sliced
1 tablespoon of ginger, crushed and sliced
4 tablespoons shrimp paste (for people who are allergic to this, alternatively you can have pork rinds popularly known here is chicharon)
3 tablespoons of vegetable oil
1 1/2 cup water
Salt and pepper to taste
- In a cooking pan, heat oil and fry the pork until brown, remove the pork from the pan and set aside.
- On the same pan, saute garlic, onion, ginger and tomatoes.
- In a casserole, boil water and add shrimp paste. (Or the pork rinds, or you may skip this part.)
- Add the pork in the casserole and mix in the sautéed garlic, onion, ginger and tomatoes. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes or less.
- Add in all the vegetables and cook until the vegetables are done, but careful not to overcook. (Vegetables are highly nutritous but we can lost it in just a matter or minutes the moment we subject them to too much heat.)
- Salt and pepper to taste.
- Serve hot. (We usually serve it here with plain rice.)
For more interesting photos, you may visit Wordless Wednesday and Wordful Wednesday...or go to The Fairy Blogmother for more What's Cooking Wednesday participants.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A Long Story
Growing long, beautiful and healthy hair is not a difficult process. It's more of a question of what you shouldn't do rather than what you should.
From Samson's long hair to Rapunzel' many people growing hair is something legendary but guess what it is not fairy tale at all!
Most of my life I've had long hair and let me tell you loving long locks and keeping it healthy is not that difficult after all. The following are hair care tips which I've found handy in keeping my long locks healthy for years now.
* Snip, snip! This is something I've learned the hard way I thought (like most people) that to grow one's hair means not cutting it cutting off. I was so wrong. If you want beautiful long hair, trim it for about half an inch once a month or within 2-3 months the most. That prevents you from growing split ends. Remember damaged hair doesn't grow, it breaks.
* You are what you eat! (So if you hair.) I have said this many times here...feeding your body what it needs to keep everything in working order helps us to have beautiful skin and hair.
Keep hydrated by drinking 8 - 10 glasses of water every day. Water will nourish the entire body from toes to the tips of our hair - one of the very best ways to take care of dry hair.
Following a healthy diet and a daily multi-vitamin to get good-for-your-hair trace minerals like Magnesium and Zinc will do wonders. Good diet especially with foods rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, tuna, flax seed oil and nuts are major building blocks of healthy hair, skin and nails. The hair (which is really 98 percent protein itself) needs protein to stay healthy; which we can easily supply by eating organic meats, nuts and seeds. Eggs and egg whites provide vitamin B12 and potatoes, bananas and oatmeal give us melanin-helper vitamin B6 which will give hair color a natural boost. Eliminating some food products, like wheat products, can also help fight and prevent scalp issues.
* Say no to harsh chemicals. This not only refers to hair dyes and other hair products used for styling but shampoos as well. Some hair shampoos contain sodium laureth sulfate, a harsh chemical used in dish detergents that is often added its lathering properties. This will strip and dry you hair.
One lesson I learned from my Mom is not to shampoo too frequently. I used to shampoo everyday as I don't feel like I've showered completely without washing my hair. Now I try to just do it every other day.
* Condition your hair! I use natural conditioner applied to my hair regularly in the shower. I try focusing on hair from my ear lobes down to the hair tips. I also use intensive conditioning treatment twice a month (or you can have your weekly, depending on your hair’s needs) and let it moisturize while covered with plastic wrap or a towel to retain heat for 10 - 15 minutes before rinsing in the shower.
The clue is the more you exposed your hair to harsh elements like heat and chemicals for styling, the more you need to condition and moisturize it.
* Invest on a good hair comb and brush. Yes...both! Quality hair brushes not only last years longer but will treat your delicate tresses properly, even with the most tangled hair. And use a wide tooth comb to detangle your strands. Avoid hair brushes with hard bulbs at the end, they’ll do more bad than good for your hair. Detangle hair from the tip to the root, focusing on a section at a time until you reach the scalp. Be gentle when detangling, pulling down on your hair too hard will cause breakage.
* Avoid having your hair tightly braided or even in having it in tight ponytail specially during sleep. The stress can cause breakage and/or hair loss.
* Don't rub your hair dry with a towel, instead blot the water out of your hair, when you rub, it'll cause hair to tangle.
* I also use silk pillow case. Using a satin or silk pillowcase where your hair will make it so that hair will slide across the pillowcase without getting caught. When I travel i either put my hair up in a ponytail on the top of my head with a scrunchie or specially treated band (that prevents breakage) or wrapped it with silk scarf.
* Brushing the hair is important because it spreads the the hair oils out across the length of our hair. Use long strokes starting from the roots of your hair when brushing and stroke your hand over your hair after you are done brushing to get rid of static.
And lastly be vigilant and watch out for your hair safety. With all of the potentially damaging elements around, taking a few simple steps to keep your scalp and hair out of harm’s way will pay off long-term. Before going swimming in a chlorinated swimming pool, wet your hair completely with tap water so your hair will soak up that water instead of the pool water. If you cannot pre-wet your hair, wear a swimming cap and wash your hair with shampoo immediately after. Before stepping into the pool be sure that your hair is not up in a rubber band to minimize breakage and hair damage. When outside on a sunny day, wear a hat as much as possible to protect your hair and delicate scalp from burning.
So that's not so Wordless Wednesday entry for this Monday! LOL
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Common Cold Home Remedies - Part 2
As promise here is Part 2 - Homemade All Natural Remedies for the Common Cold!
- Do not ignore a cold and drag on with your work. As soon it develops—go to bed, drink fresh lemon juice in water, and settle down to getting well!
- Avoid chills, get adequate bed rest, and take a little salt to replace that lost in sweat
- Take vitamin C as much as you can (up to 5,000 mg at a time) In acute cases, 1,000 mg of C every other hour. Also take bioflavonoids (200-600 mg), small amounts garlic. (along with vitamin C, it is an excellent germ fighter), vitamin A (50,000 units for not more than one month; then down to 25,000 units), calcium lactate or gluconate (6 tablets), brewer's yeast, B6 (100 mg; it is a natural antihistamine, as well as providing helpful protein), vitamin E (600 units), betaine hydrochloride, zinc gluconate lozenges, and vitamin F (unsaturated fatty acids) reduces the frequency and duration of colds.
- In acute stages when fever is present, the person should abstain from all solid foods and only drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices, diluted (50-50) with water, plus herb teas. (I usually sweetened my drinks with honey!) Herb teas can include rose hips, golden seal, chamomile, peppermint, slippery elm, and ginger.
- Drink potato peeling broth twice a day. The peelings should be one-half inch thick (throw away the centers). Boil it for about 20-30 minutes; strain, cool, and drink. Make it fresh every day.
- Eucalyptus oil is helpful. Put 5 drops in a hot bath or 6 drops in a cup of boiling water. Put a towel over your head and, without burning yourself, inhale it.
- Take a lot of liquids.
- Gargle three times a day with saltwater (1 glass of warm water with 1 teaspoon of salt mixed in).
- Take a hot shower.
- As soon as the crisis subsides, let the person have some protein and other food. A low calorie raw fruit and vegetable diet is ideal.
And remember...prevention is always better than the the best way is to lessen the chances of catching cold by boosting up the immune system. It can be done by proper diet, vitamin in take, exercise and rest!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Common Cold Home Remedies - Part 1
I'm taking a break from beauty tips this week as I'd love to talk about something which is getting rampant lately...
Yes I'm referring to the COMMON COLD.
The nephew had it weeks ago...then passed it on to IT Guy and now it's with Mom. I always tend to panic a bit every time Mom has it because hers ten to complicate into cough and then eventually leads to bronchial asthma.
I know we all know what a common cold is but just exactly what it is beyond the discomfort and inconvenience it gives us...
Colds are generally an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory passages. Its symptoms include nose and throat irritations, watery eyes. fever, headaches, chills, muscle aches , and temporary loss of smell and taste. A heavy cold may take the form of acute or chronic infection such as tonsillitis, grippe, sinusitis, bronchial catarrh, chronic cold, or other similar virus-type infection.
Note: Children who are a frequent recipient of colds and flues may have thyroid malfunctions and needs to have a thorough diagnosis.
Just how do we know if it's just a cold or a flu already? Here is the difference --
- Headache - prominent in flu, but rare in cold.
- Fever - frequent and sudden in flu, but rare in a cold.
- Fatigue - extreme in flu and can last 2-3 weeks; there is only mild fatigue with cold.
- Runny nose - occasionally in flu; common with a cold.
- General aches - common and often severe in flu; slight in cold.
- Cough - common with flu and can become severe; only mild to moderate in a cold.
- Sore throat - sometimes with flu; common with a cold.
And now the perennial question -- What causes cold?
Well for one it is caused by a variety of viruses. Another and most common is a weak immune system, allowing the virus to take hold of the body. Factors which lower the body's resistance to virus infection are overexposure to cold, fatigue, recent or present infections, lack of rest, allergic reactions, inhalation of irritating dust or gas, overeating, sugar consumption, wrong eating and unhealthy lifestyle in general.
The common cold is not an infection that attacks just anyone. It is not even a disease, but rather cold is the cure of a pre-diseased condition and its symptoms are attempts by the body to reestablish normal conditions. It is the body's some sort of "spring cleaning". It's impossible to produce a suitable vaccine for cold as its virus can change size and shape and more than 100 different viruses which cause colds. And its symptoms can last for 7-14 days regardless of therapy though its incubation period is very short (1-3 days), while most viruses last for 10-21 days.
A cold is always in the upper respiratory tract (nose, mouth, throat and upper bronchial). If congestion develops in the chest, it means it is worsening into something more serious and if you do not know how to take care of yourself, you better see a physician especially if --
- chills and shortness of breath occur
- you have fever which goes above 101 F
- you see yellow or white spots appearing in the throat
- your lymph nodes under the jaw and neck area are swollen or enlarged
you experience any hot, extreme pain, such as earache, swollen tonsils, sinus pains or aching lungs or chest pains - you have excessively large amount of sputum that is greenish or bloody
there is extreme difficulty in swallowing - wheezing occurs
Colds come like a theft in the night. So the moment you get a tingling nose and throat, nasal mucus, or scratchy throat DO NOT wait for the coughing, weakness, and fever to begin. Go to bed!
Part 2 of this post will be tomorrow and I will be sharing with you all natural home remedies for common cold!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Facial Mask
Though I love going to the spa, face treatments are something I love to do in my free time at home.
Here is a general procedure to do a facial scrub --
- Pull hair back into a ponytail, or just tie it anyway you want.
- Wash face thoroughly.
- Scrubs are most effective when the skin is soft and exfoliated.
- Apply the MASK you just prepared to face avoiding the eye area and let it stay for 20 minutes.
- Rinse off with warm water.
- Enjoy and be proud of the results!
I am one person who do not run out of fruit thus this recipe is quite convenient for me. I either use banana or avocado for this recipe. Just mash them and use them as mask. If the mashed fruit is too dry blend it with a little honey. Apply as step # 4 in the above described general procedure for facial mask.
Other options...
Since face treatments are self-pampering activities some of you may opt for ready to use yet cost-effective and all natural facial mask. I'm ALL for that too! In fact I alternate them with my fruity formula above.
As an alternative to my fruity facial mask you may get facial mask with Vit. A and E. You may also try the mud mask which is good for detoxifying. There are available formulas in the market and the nice thing is, most of them are just home fragrance! Meaning they're friendly to the nostrils and are soothing and refreshing. Awesome, isn't it?!
So what are you waiting for? Get the right facial mask for you! It can do you wonders!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Homemade Facial Scrub
In my post Treating Enlarged Pores I mentioned there that one key to help keep the pores clear and less apparent is a mild exfoliation. So to continue with our topic on face treatments I'd like to share with you homemade facial scrubs recipes. These are cost-effective and all natural. More than anything they are easy to prepare and are available in your kitchen!
Here is a general procedure to do a facial scrub --
- Pull hair back into a ponytail, or just tie it anyway you want.
- Wash face thoroughly.
- Scrubs are most effective when the skin is soft and its pores are open. To do this, steam face over hot water (if you do not have a face steamer) or simply press a warm cloth to skin for a few minutes.
- Apply the SCRUB you just prepared to face avoiding the eye area. (You may include the neck ares if you want.)
- Optional: Use a facial loofah, sponge, or brush to maximize exfoliation.
- Rinse off with warm water.
- Savor the results!
If you have tried a body sugar scrub, you know how amazing they are. Work the same magic on your face!
1 tsp. of honey (I use olive oil when I run out of honey!)
1/2 tsp. of brown sugar
Blend honey and sugar in a bowl. Apply as step # 4 in the above described general procedure for facial scrub. Rinse very thoroughly, as this recipe can be slightly sticky.
Another variation which I also love is using mashed papaya instead of honey.
Mash a piece of papaya, then add 1/2 tsp brown sugar and rub your face with it. Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse well. It leaves skin fresh and glowing!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Treating Enlarged Pores
Tired of seeing those large pores around your nose area? Whether you are having those large pores concentrated on a limited area of your face...fact remains that larger pores in the skin most especially in the face are unsightly and gives an appearance of premature aging!
Most people try to remedy this by using a very good foundation and makeup primer and while it may address the issue by temporarily covering the enlarged pores it does not take them away. And it might get worst and get clogged giving in to more skin problems.
I personally don't believe that there are people born with it (though some people's skin type makes them inclined/ susceptible to having enlarged pores) as we all have beautiful skin when we're still babies. As we grow up however our lifestyle defines us and well our skin. More than anything our food plays a major role with it. As I keep saying here, we are what we eat.
One major cause of enlarged pores is using nicotine in any form. (So stop believing those ads which shows beautiful people smoking.)
Other factors could be any but not limited to the following --
- Sun damage
- Hormonal changes
- Acne
- Blackheads
- Skin dehydration
- Trapped dirt, oil, dead skin cells
- Improper cleansing
- Excessive oil production
- Overuse of makeup
- Improper diet
- Puberty, menopause
To start looking better --
- Quit all tobacco products and stop breathing side stream (secondhand) smoke.
- Avoid soft drinks, sugar. chocolates, potato chips and other junk foods.
- Begin a nutritious program with exercise and rest.
- Take vitamin-mineral supplements including Vitamins A, C and the entire B Complex.
- Drink lots of water everyday to keep your body hydrated.
One may also try to avoid any of the following factors enumerated above which cause enlarged pores. Stay away from harsh chemicals and don't apply just anything to you face as skin irritations can worsen enlarged pores.
Tomorrow I will share another homemade formula for facial scrub. Nothing beats the natural way!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Homemade Lip Balm
Most people when exposed to cold temperature gets dry lips and at worst chappy lips. Now there are people also regardless of the weather or temperature they're exposed to do get these. Other common reasons could be nutritional deficiencies and sometimes allergic reaction to toothpaste, mouthwash (and to women sometimes from lip gloss and lipsticks!). A slight percentage can also be attributed to skin conditions which really requires serious medical attention.
For chappy lips which are just in need of moisturizer...I have a homemade lip balm recipe which I got from my grandmother!
Before I present my simple formula, let me share with you the following facts about lip balm, lip gloss, and chap stick! I know some people confuse the three as the same but the three means three different thing.
A lip gloss is used to add shine or a touch of color...
Chap Stick is used to well...heal chapped lips.
And a lip balm is used to keep lips moisturized!
And below is an easy step in making your own lip balm --
Warm 1 cup of almond oil (I sometimes use sunflower oil as I have it handy for my Oil Pulling!) in a double-boiler. Stir continually. Add 1 Tbsp. of beeswax. Then add 1 tsp. of the following: vanilla extract, honey, vitamins E oil, Aloe Vera gel. While hot, stir as you pour it into its container. (You can buy small containers with cover.) Close tightly.
The lip balm will soon harden and is ready for use.
I find this one very nourishing to the lips and I always carry this with me especially during summer!
Monday, June 8, 2009
The Art of Aging Gracefully
I just did Fun Monday post in my main site and our topic for this week is about how do we project ourselves many years from now...when I am old!
Do we really need the fountain of youth to flow to age gracefully or that so called elixir of life?! Do these things really do exists?!
I doubt it. Whether we like it or not age sneaks up on us like a theft in the night. And that we are all growing one year older every three hundred and sixty-five days. However, we can learn from people who has lived through generations. My Grandma is one...she'd be turning 90 this December!
So just how do we give in to aging gracefully? Do we just surrender to it?
Well taking everything I have read about aging gracefully and senior health into consideration, I'd say yes and no.
Yes because it is a fact and is something we have to accept, understand, embrace and be ready for. No because it is not the end of world and that we have the choice not to deteriorate as we progress in years!
So whoever says aging gracefully is an art is damn accurate! It is an art because we can come up with different approaches to it and there is no exact XYZ approach to it.
In this book, Healthy Aging: A Lifelong Guide to Your Physical and Spiritual Well-Being, Dr. Weil notes that studies of people who live to be 100 years old or more have failed to find a single, specific formula for senior health and a long life. There is no evidence, he says, "that particular foods, supplements or other substances have anything to do with our living to extreme old age."
At the same time, however, he emphasizes that lifestyle does matter, especially concerning senior health. He contends that strong family ties, healthy food (but no one, specific food) and lifelong physical activity are probably what make residents of the island Okinawa the longest-lived population in the world, with an average life expectancy of 81.2 years.
Below are health can benefit from it if we want to age gracefully! These are common information which we all know about...we just need some reinforcements to get into the habit of following these simple health routines --
Healthy Eating!
Nothing beats a healthy and a balanced diet. They say we are what we eat and that what we take daily has a major impact on how well our body regenerates. We can opt for food which are fresh and unprocessed.
Vitamins and Minerals are good aid for aging skin too!
Below is a list which you might find handy --
Beta Carotene - antioxidant, increases cellular regeneration, and prevents pre-mature aging of the skin
Food source: carrots, apricots, & squash
Vitamin C - antioxidant, needed for production of elastin and collagen; promotes skin strength and elasticity in blood vessel walls and cell membranes
Food source: oranges, kiwi, & peppers
Vitamin E - antioxidant, helps maintain all tissues, believed to slow the aging of cells; may help prevent scar formation
Food source: cold-pressed vegetable oils, raw nuts & seeds
Selenium - antioxidant, protects against UV induced cell damage; helps preserve skin elasticity.
Food source: tuna, garlic, onions & broccoli
Zinc - antioxidant, essential for normal cell growth and repair
Food source: whole grains, most seafood, & onions
Essential Fatty Acids - to maintain proper function of all tissues and tissue repair, especially the skin
Food source: primrose oil, flax seed oil, & olive oil
You may also go see and nutritionist to find out what's the best diet for you. I do that once in awhile as I know with my daily activities and lifestyle my body needs differ from time to time.
Healthy eating is not just eating...but also it is about water intake! Yes, healthy diet is about eating and drinking right. They say the human body is made up of 50% to 70% water and it loses about three quarts of water each day through perspiration, urine, and respiration. To wait when we are thirsty isn't always the best barometer as thirst is a response to severe dehydration. The recommended liquid intake that the average person should drink is at least two to three pints of clean, pure water each day. Water is involved with nearly every bodily process most especially with flushing out waste materials. It also benefits our skin by acting as an internal moisturizer, keeping the skin moist, supple, and clear and well prevents pre-mature aging.
Healthy Lifestyle!
This is quite a broad topic which I'd rather sum up into two main categories...the TO DO's and the DON'Ts!
One key to healthy lifestyle is exercise! Everyone can benefit from it...people from all ages! We need not go to the gym for this...just a regular walk will do. Some morning stretching will never do harm!
My Grandma is approaching 90 and can still walk without any help of anyone, not even a stick! She has not gone to the gym...but she has most spend most of her time in the farm! Her daily routine afforded her good exercise.
Another key to healthy lifestyle is getting enough sleep. Body repairs take place when our body is at rest...or at sleep. Sleeping also gives us a good disposition which is a great factor in our overall wellness! It's hard to wake at the wrong side of bed if we have enough sleep. ;)
Beware of UV rays!
There has been many researches performed over the past years on the sun and it's effect on the human body. Though we have found that a certain amount of sunlight is needed to manufacture Vitamin D within our bodies, which is a definite necessity, after a certain time, those powerful rays can also be very harmful to our body, most especially to our skin.
So to add to my skin tips more specifically on Sunburn Remedies, here are more skin care tips.
- Try to avoid the sun between the hours of 10AM and 3PM, even with sun protector.
Watch the reflected light from sand, water, cement, and snow -- it is still damaging to the skin.
- Most dermatologist recommends an SPF 15 sunscreen or greater at anytime of the year.
- A SPF of 15 is only good for about 150 minutes (2.5 hours) protection. Thus, one application daily may not be enough to protect the skin all day.
- Wear something which protects you from the sun!
And you can probably add more to my list of to do's. Feel free to leave them in the comments sections if you please...
And now for the dreaded DON'Ts!
I will try to make this as simple as I can. Avoid anything that will cause you to put in unnecessary toxin into your body.
We may need to lower alcohol intake. At some point it give some benefits to the body but too much of anything is never good.
Quit smoking! Do I need to say more?!
Say no to substance abuse.
So there! Are we now ready to live 100 years and beyond?! Of course we are!
Cheer's never too late to start a healthy life...and remember...
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Health Facts About Watermelon...
I love watermelon! So much!
My Wordless Wednesday entry at Mariposa's Tales features my nephew and his love for watermelon...which I believe he got from me. I also mentioned some basic facts about watermelon in that post.
So I went further and investigated just how healthy watermelon is...this vegetable (take note it is not a fruit but a vegetable!) just offers several nourishments for the body.
Below are top refreshing and nourishing health facts about watermelon -
Stay Cool and Lovely
Watermelon is an amazing fruit, which can work wonders for your skin. It acts as a natural moisturizer as well as a toner and keeps the skin cool, glowing and fresh.
The Smartest Pick for Losing Weight
Packed with vitamins and minerals the watermelon is labeled as one of the healthiest fruit. Low in calories and fat free, watermelon is prescribed as an ideal diet food.
The battle of the bulge could be won with the sweet and juicy melons that can be served as a lip smacking dessert or a snack without adding to the bulge. Hence the watermelon diet is the perfect choice of an ideal weight loss program.
Fight Fatigue and Keep Your Metabolism in High Gear with Water Melons
On a typical summer day watermelons are extremely refreshing as they have very high water content, 92% water and 8% sugar.
Rich in electrolytes (sodium and potassium) this wonder fruit amazingly nourishes your body. It not only replaces the electrolytes lost through sweat but also hydrates your cells and maintains the water balance in the cells. Metabolism is boosted as the functionality of the cells is increased, ultimately energizing your body.
The 4 great fatigue fighters - Potassium, Vitamin C, lycopene and iron found in watermelon drives away any feeling of fatigue you may experience.
Naturally, watermelons are 'The Pick Of The Season’.
Are You Stressed Out? Relax And Chill Out With Water Melon Juice Or Cubes
Watermelon is a ‘sensational’ stress buster says a research. Watermelon is high in vitamin B6- and is used by the body to produce brain chemicals, which may relieve stress, anxiety and panic attacks. It naturally relaxes the blood vessels without any drug side effects.
Add Spice To Your Marital Life With Water Melons:
The popular summer fruit may be a natural Viagra say research scientists. The luscious summer fruit is rich in an amino acid called citrulline. Citrulline relaxes and dilates blood vessels very much like Viagra and other drugs that are used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED).
Source: MedIndia
Visit Watermelon Nutrition for a detailed nutritional facts about watermelon.
For stunning looks and winning knocks, go for watermelons!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Lifting A Bad Mood
I've been reading around and looks like hitting highs and lows are common! Nothing is so dragging as a bad mood. Mood swings most of the time gets the better of us and worst it give us the feeling that life is just way too much for us which creates a gloomy outlook and eventually affect our overall being, physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual. Then I remember some old articles I've read before which has helped me a lot and made so much sense to me.
Since I have dedicated this site to wellness, I've opted to post this here...
So here are Here are some suggestions to lift your mood, your spirit, and your health according to Dr. Maoshing Ni, Yahoo! Health Expert for Alternative Medicine.
1. A Laughing Matter
"Laugh Therapy," pioneered by Norman Cousins, has turned out to have real substance. Research has discovered that laughter and joy boost immune functions, especially the production of the natural killer cells that help defend the body from illness and cancer.
Laughter also increases the release of endorphins - compounds that give you a sense of well-being - in your brain. Without a doubt, joyful people liver longer and healthier lives. So read your favorite comics, watch your favorite comedies, and laugh it up!
2. Amino Acid for Restored Mindset
When an imbalance or deficiency is creating a bad mood, the Europeans use supplements of a natural compound found in human cells to regulate mood and restore a healthy mindset. SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) is produced from methionine, an amino acid that plays a role in the production of uplifting neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.
One study indicated that SAMe worked on patients who had unsuccessful results with conventional antidepressants. To get a boost from SAMe, take a supplement combining it with vitamins B6 and B12.
3. Hands-On Healing
Human touch increases the production of endorphins, growth hormone, and DHEA, all of which lengthen your life span and lower the negative impact of stress. Studies have found that patients who are regularly touched recover faster than those who are not touched. So give someone a hug and feel both of your moods improve.
4. Boost Your "Youth Hormones"
You don't need pills to flood your body with a rejuvenating flood of growth hormones. Research has found that doing squats and leg presses will greatly increase your natural production of the "youth hormone". Increased growth hormone translates to an elevated mood, among other physical benefits. Keep it up with weight training, knee bends, push-ups, and rowing.
5. Take a Bracing Breath
Breathing correctly is important for dispelling the toxins and wastes from your body; in fact, it is estimated that we expel only about 30 percent of toxins in our bodies through the bowels and bladder-the rest is all respiratory. Breathing is also a great way to clear your mind, boost your energy, and improve your mood. Practice deep, slow, rhythmic, breathing daily with mind-body disciplines such as tai chi, yoga, qigong, and meditation.
6. Smell the Joy
Research has shown that smell has a definite impact on our bodies and minds. When you stimulate the olfactory nerves inside your nose, you activate the limbic system of your brain, which is associated with moods and memory. This concept is instrumental to aromatherapy, a natural health tradition that makes use of the healing powers of plants with strong scents.
Aromatherapy recommends treating depression with jasmine, eucalyptus for exhilaration, and grapefruit to increase alertness and joy. Just put a dab of the essential oils from these plants on your temples, back of your neck, or acupressure points. Another option? Boil the herb in water and inhale the steam through your nose.
7. Feel Fine with Flowers
There is a reason that flowers are the traditional get-well gesture. Colorful flowers have a powerful influence on moods; they can uplift a patient's mood and even combat stress. One study found that during a five-minute typing assignment, people sitting next to a flowering bouquet were more relaxed than those who sat near foliage-only plants.
From: Dr. Mao's Secrets of Longevity (To learn more about Dr. Mao and other natural health tips, go to
Hope theses tips help you life that mood up!
P.S. I'd be very glad to accommodate any health tips you want to share here, just drop me a comment or email me!